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  • 225g chopped dates
  • 350ml boiling water
  • 3/4 tsp bicarb soda
  • 125g milk free margarine
  • 225g Orgran Self Raising flour
  • 55g cocoa
  • 225g caster sugar
  • 2tsp Orgran egg replacer, blended with 4Tbs water
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence


  • Sprinkle dates with 1 tsp bicarb soda, cover with boiling water and allow to stand until cool.
  • Grease and flour a 24cm spring form pan.
  • Sift together flour, cocoa, and remaining bicarb soda.
  • Cream margarine and sugar. Add egg replacer and mix well.
  • Add vanilla, flour mixture and cooled date mixture, beating well between additions.
  • Pour into prepared tin.
  • Bake at 170C for 40 – 45 minutes until cooked when tested with a skewer.

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Content Updated: May 2024