Allergy 250K Fun Day in Melbourne

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  1. We kicked off the Fun Day with a range of fun games and team building activities to help everyone get to know each other.
  2. During the health education sessions, the kids were shown how to use adrenaline injectors and had some fantastic group discussions.
  3. Our allergy dietitians and the camp catering staff delivered a delicious menu. We managed 41 different food allergies plus other special dietaries.

What we got up to

Friday afternoon and evening

The peer mentors, volunteers and staff arrived ready for a fun weekend at Urban Camp, Victoria. We were super excited to be running a Fun Day for school-aged children, 8 to 14 years!

Dinner was flavoursome Chicken Fajitas served with roasted vegetables and salad.

Saturday morning

We kicked off the Fun Day with a range of fun games and team building activities to help everyone get to know each other. We did warm up games, kickball and then cooled off with some water games. These great teamwork activities tested our muscles, balance and endurance and we communicated with our team-mates along the way. Morning tea was some very tasty chocolate muffins, brown sugar biscuits and a selection of fruit and other snacks. For lunch we had salad wraps with a choice of chicken or ham.

Saturday afternoon and evening

During the health education sessions, our volunteer health professionals showed the children how to use adrenaline injectors. We also had some fantastic group discussions with allergy nurses, allergy dietitians and a psychologist.

For dinner we had Spaghetti Bolognaise or vegetarian pasta. The self-saucing chocolate pudding and raspberry sorbet for dessert was very popular.

Everyone had so much fun at the Fun Day! A huge thank you to our allergy dietitians and the camp catering staff for creating such a tasty menu while also managing 41 different food allergies plus other special dietary requirements.

Need Help?

If you need help, contact the organisation below: Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Enquire Now Phone 1300 728 000 This support line is not an emergency helpline. Please call 000 for ambulance in an emergency.

Content Updated: Dec 2024